Just a few years ago I recall someone on the "nationalist scene" using the most vitriolic and personal abuse against a man whom many (rightly or wrongly) viewed as a 'leader.'
Certainly in the vocation he had chosen, the man being attacked was pretty much at the peak of his profession and an inspiration to many patriots and men of goodwill, reaching more and more of the 'man in the street' via the material he was putting out.
Yet this did not stop him being attacked for "selling out" the inference being that he was a traitor or a coward.
The man being attacked was David Irving, the historian.
His "crime" (as I remember) was to state that the "holocaust" had happened (albeit not to such an extent etc.) but that it was not a German policy, and that it had happened without the knowledge/consent of Hitler.
So who was this "hardliner" who attacked the person of a historian for his own opinion? A historian who still faced the ire and outright hatred of organised Zionism?
Step forward Nick Griffin!
To him, to not question the "holocaust" was unthinkable, and by 'stepping back from the brink' in accepting the "holocaust" in even a limited way, Irving had sold out to the Zionist establishment etc. etc.
No doubt Mr. Irving - who, whether you support him or not, has suffered a great deal for his research and heartfelt beliefs - is feeling gratified for all this abuse in light of the Daily Politics TV show on the BBC on Monday.
On Monday's show, you see dear forbearing and patient reader, Mr. Griffin stated that the holocaust - the destruction of millions of Jews on an industrial scale - was an undeniable fact.
There was also the liberal stance on the Gurkhas, which I hinted that some Kosher Tories would do a few days ago (see recent posts), in that the Asian mercenaries would be allowed to come here.
Plus of course there was the welcome to the Jewish community and Judaism itself - no surprise really following the "most Zionist" party tag given to the BNP during the London mayoral election campaign.
So if Mr. Griffin was right to condemn Mr. Irving as a traitor/sell-out what should those of us who consider ourselves revisionists, to one degree or another, make of the very interesting interview on Monday?
Some people complained years ago of liberalisation and sell-out in the BNP only to be told it was a case of "softly, softly, catchee monkey" - or was it more a case of a slow process as the "supertanker" of the BNP was turned slowly in a wide arc (as arch Neo Con apologist David Aaronivitch was told by the BNP leader)?
We at FC have long warned that the sell-out process is worrying, especially as the sell-outs become increasingly open the bigger the crumbs offered from the political top-table.
If we have to vote for a corrupt, cronyist, Zionist, multi-culti ("some of my best friends are Sikhs") party, shouldn't we just hold our noses and go for UKIP until the BNP radicalises in some way or rids itself of the paedophile and Zionist members?
As the Euro elections approach this is a debate that will continue!
Meanwhile the Daily Politics show (Monday 11th May) is still available to view on the iplayer facility at the BBC's homepage. See for yourself...
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Hardline Revisionist Recants Holocaust Views on National TV
Posted by
Final Conflict
5:49 pm
Categories: BBC, BNP, David Irving, Nick Griffin, Revisionism
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Gri££in should apologise publicly to Irving for his tirades against him.
The BNP's local election broadcast revolved around a councillor boasting how they had two CCTV cameras put on an estate.
Has it come to this?
The BNP boasting of the Stalinisation of =our communities? Joining Big Brother council and police snoops?
Nothing radical. No local currencies. No independent community "banks".
Just more CCTV.
If I want that I can vote Lib-Lab-Con.
Time to move on Gri££o.
Despite what you say you are nothing but a system politician with his snout in the trough.
Or d'you forget the extension on your house with party funds? lol
According to the always-right NG Irving had sold out to the "Zionists".
By that logic, NG has sold out to them completely many times over.
The funny thing is that the neo cons in the bnp can't accuse you of being "lefties" because then they condemn NG for being exactly the same when he attacked Irving.
It's time the political gymnast was shown the door (without his expenses credit card!)
He has sold out.
If he wanted to avoid this he should have said "history is the concern of historians and that I daresay the Nazis and the Soviets camps left a lot to discuss."
And that he was there to discuss the illegal war in Iraq, the banking crisis, failed multi-culturalism etc. etc.
But no... we had the full liberal dogma.
"Could it be that with the Euro-elections coming, the EU maniacs want to split the anti-EU vote, into pockets of UKIP and BNP, thus ensuring any dissent against the Bruxelles regime is stiffled?"
An interesting point.
UKIP is the clear choice for an anti-EU vote, just as the BNP is at local elections.
We should vote UKIP at the Euros if the sole aim is to bring the UK out of the EU.
The BNP are out to split the anti-Euro vote.
That is why NG got the all-clear from his Temple (as did 5IMon Darby, and his fellow Masons at Silvers).
He didn't need to praise the Holyhoax.
He didn't have to "deny" it either.
Just dismiss it as irrelevant.
Do Socialist MPs answer for the crimes of the Soviets?
Griffin has no balls.
Regarding this subject, there is something going on in Romania.
A holocaust memorial is being built in the middle of Bucharest.
Trees are being cut down for this kind of job, despite the fact that the city is well known as one with very few green spaces. The mayor of the city is the pupet of jews, because, when he was asked why does such large space is needed for the task, he told that this was the builder`s request. This means that if the builder wanted to cut down the whole city, we can`t do anything about it !
The Romanian holocaust memorial is the victory of Wiesel Comission, this guy, Ellie Wiesel, told at a television in France in the `90`s that he remembers well when Romanian gendarmes came in 1940 at his home and send his whole family to Auschwitz. The problem is that in 1940, that teritory was under hungarian rule so his story collapses.
From another point of view, Romanian jews speak about 400.000 jews from Romania being exterminated by Marshall Antonescu, and the Legionary Movement during interwar period and second world war. This number can`t be proved ! Because in that period, 350.000 jews lived in Romania, and after the war, more than 200.000 of them moved to Israel or USA, where they started an anti Romania policy which is continuing today. A few days ago, a jew, Nati Meir, announced his official willing to be the ... president of Romania ! He can`t speak very well Romanian, although he is stayin` in this country for the last 13 years. He had been sentenced to jail in Israel for 30 months and a week ago he told to an israeli news paper that in Romania things are going bad for jews. Some examples from the interview: "Romanian nationalists dance in the blood of jews in the middle of the street", "jewish domination in Romania is over", "if i were you, i won`t come to Romania", "i want to leave Romania, i`m affraid" and so on.
What can we do in this kind of situation ?! Politicians are betraing us day by day. Common people can`t stand a chance in front of these breathtaking arrogance in my country.
Politicos who praise Israel and the Holyhoax have sold out.
The BNP has done both.
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