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Monday 18 May 2009

Israeli Crimes and American Abortionists

A friend sent this to me and it gives an interesting insight into those who see past all the Shoa Business of the Pope's recent visit to Israel.

It reminds me of when the Zionists asked Pius X for his help is establishing a Jewish State.

he replied that as the Jews refused to recognise Christ, he could not recognise them or the State they wanted to create.

If only we had Christian leaders like that today!

Meanwhile in America, the scumbag abortionist Obama is embroiled in a furore with Pro-Lifers over there.

Anyhoo (to go native) this makes for interesting reading.

When it comes to the crimes of the Zionists and the mass-murder of the liberals, not all are frightened into silence.

Is the Pope Pro-Life?


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