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Friday 22 August 2008

Hoist High the Banner of Life & Hope In a Dying Nation

England, Britain, Europe is dying.

I don't mean morally, though that's true.

I don't mean spiritually, though that's also true.

I don't mean economically, though that is also true.

No, as worrying as each of the above is in their various spheres, Europe and its constituent parts is actually dying.

There is an interesting report in today's Daily Mail that shows that:

  1. We now have more elderly than young people.
  2. More immigrants are having children here than ever before.
  3. An increasing number of Brits are leaving these shores.
Right: Our future on a slab. We have killed millions of our fellow countrymen. Yet we wonder how our society is slowly dying. I am also sure the vast majority of those murdered have been White Britons.

What the Daily Mail won't tell you is this:

1. We are aborting our future workers, tax-payers, doctors, nurses, carers, municipal staff etc. etc. in "clinics" across the country.
This is selfish and is very short-sighted for short-term benefits. If the State is prepared to pay pensions, pay dole money and pay for those who chose not to marry: then it is surely time for the State now to pay married couples who choose to invest in the future of our land by bringing up more children.
It also time for those of us who consider ourselves patriots, who want to see a future for our nation beyond an endless row of retirement homes, to step in and close down the abortuaries: the places of mass murder kept open via the huge profits of the butchers and via the muscle and lies of the Socialists who seem to think that killing babies is some sort of answer to poverty!

2. As well as the immigrants coming into the country -- and again they illustrate this with a Pole, when even in the upsurge from Poland, most immigrants were still coming from Asia and Africa! -- the mail won't tell you that amongst the "Britons" counted as having children in their figures, most will be non-White, mostly Asian and Black. So the facts and the figures are even worse than the depressing ones that the Daily Mail give us!
Yet despite all this, despite the speed at which our cities especially are becoming foreign to us, not one politician will dare to stand up and state that immigration has been a total, unmitigated disaster which has destroyed our communities and our native cultures.
We must, as patriots, pick up the gauntlet and state quite clearly that immigration is wrong. We must agitate for the resettlement of all coloured people - humanely, with grants, foundations, health care and education packages etc. - but the idea that they are "here to stay" is anathema to nationalists and is an acceptance of a death warrant on our own peoples and cultures: it is a form of neo-colonialism, ethnic cleansing and racial genocide and we should not -- must not! -- accept it.

3. Whilst lefties and liberals state that the number leaving the UK somehow help "balance up" the figures, they do not. Most of those leaving are White, Britons. Most of those arriving are coloureds from Africa and Asia.
Ipso facto the "White Flight" is what it is.
The suburbs, Scotland, Wales, Devon, Cumbria, Northumberland just aren't far enough for most people and they see Australia, France, Spain, Canada etc. as a chance to flee a country being slowly murdered via mass immigration and under the yolk of a Police State that reigns over a lawless and broken society in which the family is rapidly being consigned to the dustbin of history.

If we are to save this country we must do so -- no strike, that. We can only do so on the following three pillars:
  1. Outlawing abortion. Embracing large families.
  2. Stopping immigration. Starting a programme of phased, humane resettlement of all immigrants and their offspring, to their lands of origin. This can be backed up with aid packages to the families involved and the communities that take them.
  3. Supporting and (re)creating real communities free of drugs, crime, anti-social behaviour etc.
If we as a people have the resolve to have this dream, this vision, then we can have the determination to fight for it.

Martin Luther King had his 'dream' and he and his ilk - Communists and multi-racists - fought to achieve it.

Are we to believe that a harmonious society in which the family is supported, nurtured and given pride of place is so wrong that we are ashamed to promote it?

Should we think that a nation of communities in which children are seen as the future of the land, in which they can be safe, in which drugs and petty crime is wiped out is so unrealistic as to be not worth talking of?

Do we believe that a land of homogeneous English/British/European communities is so wrong, so ill-advised, so bland as to be beyond the pale?

Our dream of a land full of families, full of communities, full of family farms, full of family businesses, full of locally owned and run shops, full of towns with green spaces, real high streets with a plethora of local shops, post offices, butchers and bakers, and even a land wherein the cities are greener and consist of real communities isn't "evil."

Those who have gone out of their way to fill our land with all manner of depraved, indecent, brain-washing, moral-sapping vices, those who have done their utmost to destroy our communities, our cultures and our families via mass immigration and the promotion of faggotry, abortion and infidelity, those who have sought to serve Mammon before all else, making profits whilst our land, our people, die.

Those are the evil people, out to destroy, out to subvert, out to despoil what previous generations thought was good, normal and not even up for discussion.

It's time for those of us who believe in good above evil; who believe in the family before the State; who believe in the sanctity of life before the profits of abortuaries and exist-till-you-die OAP homes; who believe in national self-determination before foreign wars and Zionist meddling; who believe that our own people and cultures have the right to be and grow organically instead of being assaulted by mass immigration and being undermined by the politically correct brigades of commissars; for all of us patriots and nationalists to stand firm.

What they have created, what they have forced to happen by attacking what is natural and just, is starting to crumble.

Usury & Capitalism, abortion, homosexuality, Communism, Zionism... all these morally reprehensible things are unravelling because they go against nature and the laws of God.

  • Usury will create a huge bubble (whilst creating untold misery and suffering), it is a means to keep the multitudes in subservience to the (lodge) "masters," who run the big banks.
  • Abortion is killing each land it touches. How long before the ugly truth of the murders, coupled with the societal damage by having an ever-aging population, pushes everyone with an ounce of decency to force the closure of this murder mills in our midst?
  • Homosexuality damages society, community, family and individual. It is wrong morally, politically, socially - on every level. It creates a malaise in society and forces those it enslaves to become ever more radical in their attacks on traditional values, traditional morals, traditional structures etc.
  • Communism has to keep re-inventing itself to escape the approbation of generations who have witnessed a creed which promised paradise but delivered the gulag. Those who push for collectivism, attack the family, attack the nation, attack our faith and seek to undermine all by foul mean or fair are being exposed continually.
  • Zionism will have to keep creating wars to justify its existence and its high cost. After 911 it pushed its luck and more people than ever before have seen through Israel, the Neo-Cons and all the needless wars it continues to create.
As each of these anti-national forces and creeds falters, so our position can only become stronger!

So take heart patriot! The hour is darkest just before the dawn, and whilst all seems hopeless at the moment, the edifices of the modern world are built on sand and can come crashing down with the next scandal, the next panic, the next unknown event.

Perhaps it will take the near death of us as a people. Perhaps it will take us becoming a minority in our own land. Perhaps it will take the total collapse of family life.

Our job is to keep the flame of nationalism burning; to ensure that the correct line is taken by patriots; and most importantly to ensure that nationalism remains free of the degeneracy and corruption that is the hallmark of a system that will collapse.

If we wish to make a difference then we must be different: different from the bankers, reds, politicians and media men that promote and protect usury, abortion, homosexuality, multi-racism etc. etc.

Otherwise we will become a part of a system that is slowly destroying all we hold dear, and if we are tarred with that brush then we will bear the mark of Cain forever.


NorthWestNationalists said...

Apparently, Barbara Windsor the Carry on 'star' has had SEVEN abortions.

She should never have been allowed to work !

Final Conflict said...

Toyah Wilcox is another feminist-commissar who's destroyed lives for her "career".

Judging from her singing she should have saved us all the trouble.

I always had an issue with her - not because of her amazing speech impediment that made "it's a mystery" just so mysterious to the ear, but with some middle class posh girl sticking some stupid colours in her hair, singing a pop song and pretending to be the queen of "punk."

My nan would be more of a punk in her cardy and slippers!

Rufus(atlantean) said...

And now they want to stop Catholics addressing the true God:

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