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Saturday 23 August 2008

When Can Councillors Be Censured? A Tale of Two Smiths

Let me show you how democracy works, dear reader.

Let us look at two similar situations and how "the system" deals with them.

The first is the Black Country's Nationalist independent councillor Simon Smith.

He stated that electoral swindling in the UK was a predominantly Asian affair. Er... which it is. The result: he was suspended for 3 months by the authorities.

So what do we see in the latest issue of Private Eye (#1217)?

A Labour Party councillor and official in Barking & Dagenham (Liam Smith, deputy leader, for 'tis he) called the mother of a Tory councillor a "fat f###ing dyke."

So how was this treated by the authorities? The Crown Prosecution Service said "...the word 'dyke' was not used in a homophobic way" and the council's standards committee also made excuses for Smith, presumably then it is not offensive or hateful to call someone "f###ing fat".

By the same standards it would, for the CPS, be OK presumably to call an African a "f###ing paki" or an Asian a "f###ing nigger" on the grounds that neither would belong to the epithet snarled at them. Of course not - but this exposes the double standards we're dealing with.

This is the same council, of course, that saw a Labour member call the BNP's councillor Richard Barnbrook a "poof."

Right: Like so many quangos and public bodies, from the CPS to the National Lottery, the "Council Watchdog" the SB takes a very bi-partisan approach to dealing with those loyal to the system, compared to those who rock the boat.

So it seems that stating the obvious (haven't all the Tory and Labour election cons with postal voting etc. been Asian?) can get you suspended for three months, but hurling abuse at people (who we have to assume aren't homosexual) sees you given the all clear.

Erm... as long as you are a system politician of course!

How reassuring to people like Stephen Green (of Christian Voice) who was arrested for handing out (sober and serious) Christian leaflets at a homosexual rally to hear that those who hurl abuse at others don't get arrested just because... well, just because those offended aren't, um, pooftahs.

So what are we to deduce?

  • That stating the truth is no defence in council chambers if it offends the multi-culti commissars whereas being abusive and offensive is fine.
  • That handing out Biblical leaflets is an arrestable offence whereas calling someone a "fat f###ing dyke" isn't.

Welcome to Politically Correct Britain: where Labour Party officials can say what they want, but the rest of us face censure and arrest for "offending" queers and immigrants.

Oh... unless they offend a certain people, which Ken Livingstone knows all about!

That's democracy folks!

Simon Smith on his 3 month ban


Anonymous said...

Well done for highlighting the "Standards Board" FC.

It's a body that circumvents local democracy. Of course councils have less and less power.Local political parties have to really scratch their heads in order to come up with allowable "political differences" to canvass upon.

The Conservatives in Sandwell keep having a go at something called the "Public". A large building that has had much public (pardon the pun) money spent upon it. An arts type building project. When the Tory group leader suggested suggested that no more money be found for it, one of Labour's real weasels suggested he be reported to the "Standards Board" for suggesting that Sandwell Council break the law on paying monies owed. That's one example of how these weasels "play the game"...

When I was initially interviewed by an "investigator" from the Standards Board he wasn't even British ! (Nothing against Aussies of course, but he was Australian !)

Anonymous said...

Amazing isn't it, double standards throughout. Unfortunately I cannot see any improvement in the near future

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, the establishment is morally bankrupt, corrupt to the core and riddled with high ranking Freemasons who serve a sinister power. Having said that there are some decent councillors and M(E)P's about but they are I'm afraid to say in the minority.

Politicians and councillors etc. are supposed to be public servants that serve the people. This tragically is not the case. We - the people - are supposed to be their masters and they are meant to be our servants. However, in reality are servants are our masters who lie, deceive, act above the law, enrich themselves financially through corrupt and fraudulent activities and above all serve their masters in the Synagogue of Satan (City of London)

Some Thomas Jefferson quotes spring to mind here -

'When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.'

'The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.'

'Money, not morality, is the principle commerce of civilized nations.'

'The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.'

So calling someone a "fat dyke" isn't a 'homophobic' hate crime. Well I never. So these Socialist crackpots who introduced this anti-democratic legislation in the first place don't have to adhere to this law. What else would I expect? These political fraudsters and criminals break the laws of the land all the time and nothing happens to them.

If you are a Nationalist/Patriot who is proud of their colour, race and heritage and/or someone who believes in self-detrerminism, individualism, morality, decency, truth, justice, civil rights, right to life, Christianity and the family structure etc. you my friend are an enemy of the state and a 'Thought Criminal'. The Judeo-Masonic cabal have placed Britain in a sickening situation whereby the following words of George Orwell ring oh so true:-
'In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.' By the same logic these totalitarian hypocrites are 'Enemies of the People' and I know what I would rather be!

Standards? What standards? Britain is spiritually and morally bankrupt and in the words of A.K. Chesterton 'Facing the Abyss'.

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