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Tuesday 7 October 2008

The Federal Reserve Swindle

An interesting piece here:

The Federal Reserve Scam

Nationalists must be aware of the banking swindle. It is the biggest con in history and keeps us in perpetual debt and taxed to the eye-balls.

Those who scoffed at our continued insistence on understanding the bank/debt swindle are now witnessing yet another banking crash brought about by usury-debt and the reliance on banks.

An uneducated nationalist is little better than the man-in-the street, and in some ways does more harm because he can make people think that nationalists either do not understand economics or have no answer to the boom and bust cycle.

Read. Study. Understand.

When the proverbial hits the fan ignorance will be no excuse.


Anonymous said...

As we know money makes the world go around. So whoever controls the money supply on this planet controls the world! Thus its imperative for anyone - not just Nationalists - to understand the banking/monetary system and how its the biggest scam in history.

The global banking system is run by Jewish Talmudic Zionist parasites who bleed us dry and keep us Goyim in financial purgatory and perpetual debt slavery.

This is hardly surprising when you consider the following Talmudic quotes:-

"Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed."
- Abodah Zara 26b

"Murdering Goyim is like killing a wild animal."
- Sanhedrin 59a

"The Jew is allowed to practice usury on the Non-Jew"
- Talmud IV / 2 / 70b

"Jews always have to try to deceive Non-Jews"
- Zohar I, 168a

"If two Jews have deceived a Non-Jew, they have to split the profit"
- Choschen Ham 183,7

"The possessions of the goyim are like an ownerless desert, and everybody (every Jew) who seizes it, has acquired it"
- Talmud IV / 3 / 54b

"The Jew is allowed to exploit the mistake of a Non-Jew and to deceive him"
- Talmud IV / 1 / 113b

Their religious beliefs dictate that is expected of them to murder, deceive, lie to and cheat non-Jews and us Nationalists are the evil ones!!!

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