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Tuesday 21 October 2008

Zionist Oligarch, Rothschilds, NuLab & Tories

This leads me to ask: which of "our" political parties and leaders haven't been bought and sold?

Right: The Rothschilds are Zionist to the core. They buy our politicians. yet the clamour from - ahem - the political parties against this blatant corruption and interference is null and void. Can anyone say "conspiracy?"

Israel's 34th Anniversary of Independence Coin

Baron Edmond James (Avrahim Binyamin) de Rothschild (1845-1934) is the known as the "Father of the Settlement" (Avi ha-Yishuv). The Independence Day coin 1982/5742 is dedicated to the memory of Edmond de Rothschild and marks the centenary of his first projects in Israel.

Description of the Coin

Front: A portrait of Baron Rothschild with the inscription in Hebrew, "Father of the Jewish Settlement".

Reverse: The State Emblem with the inscription below, "Baron Edmond de Rothschild" and the dates, "1845-1934" in Hebrew and English. Around the rim, "Centenary of His First Settlement Activities in Eretz Israel". The word "Israel" in Hebrew, English and Arabic. The date 1982/5742 and the denomination "10 Sheqalim" or "2 Sheqalim" in Hebrew. The uncirculated silver coin is mintmarked with a 6 pointed star at the bottom. The proof coins are mintmarked with a Hebrew 'mem' at the bottom.

Which of them dares to oppose the Freemasons, the Zionists, the Neo Cons and Israel? Which of them doesn't have dirty money from the exotic land of bakhanda?

None spring to mind. Not a single one!

That's the beauty of democracy. Pick any party you want: as long as it's acceptable to our Masonic overlords.

You may ask why the Rothschilds seek to bankroll Tory and NuLab. Just as they bankrolled Napoleonic France and Imperial Britain in 1815... because money is nothing to them: but being on the side of the winner (or rather, pocketing the winner) means years of power, prestige and freedom to control money in their banking houses.

Wake up nationalist!


See who the real overlords are! None of the political parties (repeat: NOT A SINGLE ONE!) will have the guts or freedom to tell you these facts.

Remember: all the articles below are from the London Times. Not a "neo-nazi" or "anti-semitic" rumour site. As such, you know the basics are true, and not only that, you know that these are the sanitised and legally-acceptable versions.

Our politicians (sitting MPs and "opposition" of all hues) are bought and paid for. Read Belloc's The Party System and you will understand that parliament corrupts even the handful of decent men who rarely get there.

Public opposition to Zionism and Freemasonry should be the very least we expect of any genuine opposition politician. Anything else is meaningless and mere system politics.


The Tories, the Oligargh and the Rothschilds

Oh, and New Labour are at it too:

Mandelson and the Zionist Oligarch

Mandelson's Same Oligarch/Rothschild Deal

Mandelson's Rothschild Freebies

And even the London Times covers the moneylenders and the Rothschilds (albeit sanitised):

Moneylenders and the Rothschilds

Again, a highly sanitised (from Zionist Wikipedia) but interesting glimpse of the Rothschilds family history:

The Rothschild History

Why don't they all bugger off and retire to some country estate in Eastern Europe with their ill-gotten gains? ;-)


Anonymous said...

The Tolkien statement on financiers seems so apt with this latest saga:-
"The true equation is 'democracy' = government by world financiers...The main mark of modern governments is that we do not know who governs, de facto any more than de jure. We see the politician and not his backer; still less the backer of the backer; or what is most important of all, the banker of the backer. Enthroned above all, in a manner without parallel in all past, is the veiled prophet of finance, swaying all men living by a sort of magic, and delivering oracles in a language not understanded [sic] of the people."

Now we have conclusive proof that democracy is a sham in this country and politicians and political parties take their orders from the Rothschilds. The same family that held a fundraiser for John McCain in London a few months back. This proves that they meddle in British and American politics!

Everywhere you look with regard to banking, wars, revolutions and depressions etc. the same name keeps popping up time and time again. This family is the richest and most sinister on this planet.

This family orchestrated and were responsible for so much death and destruction to achieve their goal of Zionist Israel and yet they don't choose to live in that dustbowl. They would rather live in their various salubrious palaces and mansions all over Europe amongst the despised Goyim.

For more information on this family read:-
The Rothschild Money Trust at -


Read Arnold Leeses's Gentile Folly: the Rothschild's at -

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