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Saturday 1 November 2008

Last Week's Quote: Melville on Austrian Fascism

"Economically [Austria] will resemble to a great extent the Fascist Corporative State of Signor Mussolini. Its spirit will derive from the interpretation of Pope Pius XI, in his Encyclical of May, 1931, Quadragesimo Anno, in which the principle of private ownership is acknowledged, but the right of the State to intervene 'for the common good' is also admitted. Liberal parliamentarism is to disappear for good; industrial disputes prevented by the substitution of corporations [guilds] for the existing trade unions and employers' federations; and all political parties are eventually to be suppressed..."

C. F. Melville,
New Britain,
20th September

Above Right: Engelbert Dolfuss, the leader of Fascist Austria.


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