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Tuesday 25 November 2008

Merv Warns of Nationalisation: But NOT for the Bank of England!

Tough words today from Mervyn King (right), the governor of the Bank of England.

He said that if banks don't pass on some of the money (billions of tax-payers' money borrowed from the Bank of England at interest!) in loans to businesses, then it will mean tough times and that the nationalisation of banks shouldn't be ruled out!

We couldn't agree more with Merv the Swerve!

The government should start by nationalising the Bank of England!

Just imagine. It could print its own money: no more borrowing at interest.

It would wipe-out the national debt, it would remove most taxation, and that would just be the start.

Or is Merv the Swerve stating that only certain banks can be nationalised? That the private enterprise he works for is somehow sacrosanct? Beyond the reach of the government? That we, the people, have to pay taxes forever so that Merv can claim his whopper wages from the profiteers who charge the government for issuing bits of paper or entries in ledgers?

Those who think the government is right to lower VAT back to 15% should remember a few home truths:

  • The Labour opposition jeered when the Tories raised VAT to 17.5% years ago. Yet when they got into power they kept it at 17.5% and racked up lots of hidden taxes too.
  • Despite their erstwhile stance in opposition, they will raise VAT once again.
  • Despite their clamour over this drop in rates, they acknowledge that taxes will rise to a higher level eventually, to pay back the (ahem!) Bank of England from whom they will borrow (at interest) to shore-up the shortfall in tax revenue.

So whatever way we look at this, we are stuffed.

And all because (to their eternal shame!) no politician - Tory, Labour, Lib, UKIP or BNP* - will ever stand up to the power of the Bank of England.

So, yet again, we see that no politician - not a one! - has the interests of the people first. If they did they would call for the dismantling of a usurious debt system which has seen people lose their jobs, their homes and their very dignity.

In the meantime Merv the swerve has the brass neck to threaten other banks with nationalisation!

Some might call that chutzpah.

But that might be construed as anti-Semitic! ;-)

Mervyn King Warns the Banks

*I mention the BNP because in his Nationalist Truth blog (see link in side panel) councillor Simon Smith says that in a conversation with Nick Griffin, the latter stated that he would keep the banking system as it is. Such is the price of getting media approval (all lodge members supporting each other). I take no pleasure in roping the BNP in with the other system parties because most nationalist groups (whether you agree with them or not) tend to oppose usury and/or the banking system. It is sad if the BNP (and I have no reason to doubt Cllr Smith's account) have transmogrified into a party that supports the most unjust aspect of the system.


Rufus said...

The Bank of England, just like the Federal Reserve likes to present itself as a part of the government, when in fact it is a wholly private institution.

As you say, if the Bank of England and its counterparts across the globe were owned nationally they would issue money as credit, not debt, and would be beneficial to business and society, rather than destructive. However, in truth, the faux-national banks are family-run instruments of usury which produce illusory money at the strike of a key on a computer. This money is then interest-bearing debt which the banks call in in the form of real goods (repossession of property during foreclosures on mortgages for example). The whole system is quite simply fraudulent.

Several years ago, Nick Gri££in asked me to write a booklet on Distributism which he would be able to use to introduce BNP members to radical economics - he told me he was a Third-Positionist through and through and would steer the BNP in that direction(!). I duly produced the booklet, but it never surfaced in BNP circles. In a similar vein he appealed to National Socialists via overtly NS articles in the Rune magazine. Likewise his adherence to that ideology disappeared like the morning mist as soon as he had ousted John Tyndall.

I suspect that on his proclamation of support for the banking system, Slick Nick may for once be speaking honestly. He has sold out on issues such as immigration, miscegenation & homosexuality to gain respectability from the Zionists who run this country. How could he then oppose their banking system?

Sucking up to Zionism pays. Its not only Anne and Frank who are getting fat with their snouts in the trough, is it Nick?

Anonymous said...

"Several years ago, Nick Gri££in asked me to write a booklet on Distributism which he would be able to use to introduce BNP members to radical economics"

For the record.

During my interview before the AC in 2003 for the 2004 European MEP elections, I mentioned my appreciation of the American economist writer Henry George. (Someone who favoured as I do a universal land tax instead of the plethora of other taxes).

I used the word "radical" myself in my interview and Griffin seemed appreciative of my knowledge of this thinker. He asked me to write a small article on the subject.

The article itself, as I look back wouldn't have been sufficient to merit inclusion in any nationalist publication but never the less I never received any feedback or further encouragement on the issue.
I too was fobbed off...

Final Conflict said...

Does anyone think the the BNP shy away from such things because the media and anti-fascists paint them as "anti-Semitic" (it's true! Searchlight have done so on many occasions).

if true this would show:

1. Cowardice, for the truth is the truth (and it "shall set you free").

2. A sign of where the BNP thinks its bread will be buttered, i.e. it has more to gain by being nice to bankers and Capitalists than it does in offering solutions to slavery and taxation.

3. That the BNP leader/leadership makes occasional "radical" noises but in reality has no intention of advocating, still less of implementing, much needed answers such as Distributism, Social Credit and the Workingmens' Guilds.

All three of these points - which the above evidence from Rufus and Simon seem to bear out - mean that the BNP is essentially a pressure valve with no intention of implementing real change, and is not the "voice of freedom."

As with Zionism, the BNP leadership KNOWS THE SCORE, but has decided to profit from switching sides.

There are names for that kind of behaviour.

With the world in economic CHAOS caused by Ron Sandler's brand of sub-prime profiteering and exploitation of the working classes, and built on by the usury finance of the banking system, the people need ANSWERS.

Those who live in fear of the "anti-Semitic" misnomer or those who seek to cosy up to bankers for short-term profit offer nothing but a new variety of slavery.

Final Conflict said...

p.s. If Searchlight et al paint all ideologies that advocate the stripping of powers from international banks and financiers as "anti-Semitic" -- are they stating that international banking and its usury are Jewish?

Anonymous said...

He's also economical with the truth.

We all know that the political parties in this country bow down at the feet of the Zionist international financiers operating out of the City of London.

The Bank of England needs to be owned by the people and ran in their interests, not by a small but ultra-powerful clique of plutoctratic Mammon worshipping Zionist Talmudic bankers who keep us in perpetual debt slavery.

"Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create deposits, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take it away from them, and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But, if you wish to remain the slaves of Bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create deposits."
Sir Josiah Stamp, Director of the Bank of England (appointed 1928). Reputed to be the 2nd wealthiest man in England at that time.

"If a private group exercise the power to originate the exchange-medium and then manipulates the volume of it, that group becomes a power greater than the government itself. It becomes a super-government, paralyzing the efforts of the lawful government for the common good."
Rev. Dennis Fahey

The Zionist orchestrated global economic meltdown is a gargantuan diabolical scam to transfer the wealth of the world's Goyim into the coffers of the plutocratic Zionist vultures.

"Economic crises have been produced by us for the goyim by no other means than the withdrawal of money from circulation."
Protocols of Zion, 20

Taxpayer Bailout Cost Now Exceeds $7.7 Trillion -

Baron David de Rothschild sees a New World Order in global banking governance -

The Zionist Talmudic supremacists believe they are God's chosen people and have a divine right to own everything on this planet including every non-Jewish man, woman and child. When their Talmudic prophecy has been fulfilled us Goyim will be slaves in a dystopian global gulag.

"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stomping on a human face -- forever."
George Orwell - 1984

"Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves."
Menachem Begin - Israeli Prime Minister 1977–1983

League of Welsh said...

Watch Jew Suss

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