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Friday, 14 November 2008

Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi the 'Lockerbie Bomber' is Innocent

Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi is the man serving time for the Lockerbie bombing (Pan Am flight 108 in 1988).

Now's not the place, but it has been proven that he nor the Libyan secret service were responsible for the explosion and the deaths.*

Even the body that represents the victim's families says that he is innocent.

So why, given that he has a terminal disease, has the court refused him bail pending his appeal? Or even if you're someone who hates all Arabs, why are UK taxpayers paying to house and feed an innocent man (moreover an innocent man brought here and forced to stay here who just wants to go home)?

Perhaps more importantly (as they say in Oliver Stone's film JFK) isn't the who, but the why.

In 1988 Libya was the equivalent of post-911 Afghanistan, or the Iraq of Saddam. In other words it was the whipping boy of World Zionism. I suppose that's why NF leaders went to Tripoli to try and build support for radical nationalist ideas and anti-Zionism.

So it suited the Spooks of the day, the Neo Cons and Israel Firsters - the Zionist Lobby in America especially - to push the lie that Libya was involved (as they tried to blame Iraq for "911" afterwards.

So Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi became a pawn in the struggle of the Zionists to paint Libya as a terrorist nation when it was the Zionists who launched air strikes on Libya and it was later revealed that MI6 backed Muslim extremists (eh? get a load of that you Neo Con trolls!) who tried to kill Qaddafi and only succeeded in killing innocents (twas ever thus).

So when our Zionist government talks of "state sponsored terrorism" be sure they recall their exploits in Libya and their "Islamicist" allies.

In light of which we can only assume that the efforts to keep Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi locked up, despite his condition, is an attempt to desperately cover-up the truth for as long as possible.

Would our Spooks, our Neo Cons and our Israel Firsters really be so shallow? You bet!

You watch the flak this blog gets for mentioning such unflattering truths.

The people who favour The Talmud and similar anti-Christian, anti-White filth will accuse us of being "pro-Muslim" despite what I've revealed of MI6's terrorist allies.

The people who think Jews are "patriotic Brits" or that Africans here "legally" can be proud members of our very families, or that Sikhs and Hindus make natural allies will accuse us of being "pro-Arab."

Sad but true.

Perhaps when Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi is free and repatriated from Scotland where he is kept at great expense to the tax-payer then the Neo Cons and their useful idiots can cast their nets further afield?

Perish the thought they should ever point the finger at Israel. Utterly unthinkable! Ask the crew of the USS Liberty...

* For full details on the Lockerbie Pan Am disaster and the innocence of Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi read Private Eye's special report - still available to buy (see link below).

BBC on Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi's bail refusal

Private Eye's Lockerbie Special


Anonymous said...

Hmm, Lockerbie has got MOSSAD/Israeli false-flag written all over it!

Their logo/badge says it all -
"With clandestine terrorism we will conduct war"
Their holy symbol The Menorah sits in the middle of this logo/badge.

Come on people wake up!!! The truth is staring you write in the face. They operate through terrorist means to achieve their demonic genocidal supremacist goals and objectives.

Evidence Points To The Mossad Orchestrating Lockerbie -

The Assassination On A Mossad Double Agent And Lockerbie -

Israel and Mossad -

I'm pro truth and the mass murdering Zionist Talmudic Baal worshipping pondlife are all over Lockerbie like a free buffet at a Rabbi convention!

The Zionist Talmudic Jews are only loyal to other Jews and don't respect and/or recognise any borders and/or countries. The whole world is their divine right, so countries and patriotism are alien concepts to them.

"You cannot be English Jews. We are a race, and only as a race can we perpetuate. Our mentality is of Edomitish character, and differs from that of an Englishman. Enough subterfuges! Let us assert openly that we are International Jews."
From the manifesto of the "World Jewish Federation," January 1, 1935, through its spokesperson, Gerald Soman

"The Jew alone regards his race as superior to humanity, and looks forward not to its ultimate union with other races, but to its triumph over them all and to its final ascendancy under the leadership of a tribal Messiah."

"Since the Jews are the highest and most cultured people on earth, the Jews have a right to subordinate to themselves the rest of mankind and to be the masters over the whole earth."
Rabbi Harry Waton

"The strongest supporters of Judaism cannot deny that Judaism is anti-Christian."
The Jewish World, 1924

Even if the Moslems were behind mass terrorism etc. - which they're not - who are the ones fervently pushing for muliculturalism and mass immigration into this country of these very people in the first place? That's right folks the Zionists.

Final Conflict said...

It's funny - but not "funny ha ha" but some people are already lining up Syria as being responsible for Lockerbie.

Can anyone else notice that the anti-Zionist countries are knocked down like dominoes (one thinks of Nasser's Egypt, Qaddafi's Libya, Saddam's Iraq, the Taliban in Afghanistan and now Ahmadinajad's Iran...) either by brow-beating them to surrender or via terrorism/invasion.

Whatever you ythink of those states, and regardless of whether they are Islamicist (Iran and Afghanistan) or Secular/Nationalist (Egypt and Iraq) or a cross between the two (Libya) the Israelis and Neo Cons attack them one after the other.

If they are secular they even use Islamicists to attack them... (as per MI6 and Libya).

Currently the bogeymen are Syria and Iran. Libya has called a truce and Iraq and Afghanistan have been invaded.

It's high time our foreign policy (and media editorials!) was no longer dictated by Israeli lobby groups and CIA directives.

Those who put israel first and link to Zionist web sites need to know that their obsequious and cowardly stance is giving the green light to endless war and more British servicemen on cold slabs -- witness the "Change" candidate Obama with his Mossad right-hand man and his desire to send THOUSANDS more British troops into the cauldron that is Afghanistan.

How glad we should be that we dance to Zionist America's tune (for any Neo Con numbskulls I'm being ironic).

Not one more life shed, not one more limb lost, not one more distraught family.

No more Zionist wars!!!!

Anonymous said...

"Political Zionism is an agency of Big Business. It is being used by Jewish and Christian financiers in this country and Great Britain, to make Jews believe that Palestine will be ruled by a descendant of King David who will ultimately rule the world. What seclusion! It will lead to war between Arabs and Jews and eventually to war between Moslems and non-Moslems. That will be the turning point of history."
(Henry H. Klein, A Jew Warns Jews, (1947)

“The responsibility for the last World War [WW I] rests solely upon the shoulders of the international financiers. It is upon them that rests the blood of millions of dead and millions of dying."
Congressional Record, 67th Congress, 4th Session, Senate Document No. 346

"World War II was a Zionist plot to make way for the foundation of the Jewish State in Palestine."
Joseph Burg, an anti-Zionist Jew

No more wars for Marxist Zionist Israel!!!!!

When George 'The Dipsomaniac Coke Sniffing Draft Dodger' Bush stood in his Satanic pulpit and named the countries that comprised of his Axis of Evil they only corresponded with the nations that the Rothschilds don't have a central bank in!

Unfortunately, FC most people think The Lavon Affair is the latest Hollywood blockbuster.

To all the brave men and women of our Armed Forces who have died for Zionist expansionism I give you the words of Rudyard Kipling -
"If any question why we died.
Tell them, because our fathers lied."

Anonymous said...

Tripe. al-Megrahi is guilty as sin. You know it and I know it. And Khadaffi is implicated in it and certainly has motive. But none of that matters now that the mass-murderer of 190 Americans lives his "terminal" condition out as an Islamic Hero in the very nation that conceived this heinous plot.

Too bad we don't have a government now with the stones to abduct him and drop him out of a plane at "flight level three-one-zero" over the Mediterranean.

Final Conflict said...

oh. p.s. radical Islamicists tried to overthrow Gaddaffy -- and MI6 even funded a terror attempt on his life by Muslims.

Please check your facts before playing the Muslim card. It's all too boring.

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