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1898 artwork by Caran D'Ache |
In the first picture the worker is under the weight of the monarchy/rich.
Interestingly we see the Church in the background. Today of course Communists (founded and egged on by Anti-Christ Talmudics) and atheists (ditto) say the Church suppressed the workers on behalf of the rich.
As anyone who has studied history and Church teaching knows, the Church acted as Europe's conscience, pushing the rich to give alms to the poor. The church provided hospitals for the sick and infirm, provided peppercorn rents for workers (who would, post-Reformation be thrown of the land, which the uncontrolled rich enclosed*)
Just as things worsened for the poor after the Reformation, when the King, monarchy and rich were no longer controlled by the Church and its laws, so after the French Revolution they worsened considerably.
In D'Ache's picture we see the Royalty replaced by the bankers, Freemasons and rich; whilst their daily toil did not improve or worsened under the weight of the new elites.
This is the reality. The rulers had to jettison Christianity's hold over society - and especially its ethical and moral rules on economics and commerce, which allowed Capitalism to rise, with its new elites based on money-power, usury and greed. This in turn was used by the Judeo-Masons as an excuse to organise Communist groups as the "answer" to the slums and poor conditions created by Capitalism.
Communism, of course, does not give freedom, but yet more slavery, more despots, more centralised wealth, and so the con goes on, mirrored today in the Left V Right see-saw of politics. Taxes continue, Usury and Bank-Cons go on, immoral anti-family laws roll on...
And the poor, hard-working people plod on under the weight.
Of course, back in the day I suppose the bankers and reds never had Eastenders to tell the dim-witted what was right or acceptable.
* Read William Cobbett's History of the Protestant Reformation in England and Ireland for a superb socio-economic analysis of these events (btw Cobbett was not a Catholic).
is that first picture Griffin touring his estate?
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